The official blog of American Veteran Magazine, the national quarterly publication of AMVETS.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

AMVETS Says 'No' to TRICARE Increases

This week AMVETS took a stand on proposed increases in military health care premiums, voicing support for legislation that would keep premiums for TRICARE at the current rate.

The Military Health Care Affordability Act, H.R. 1285, was introduced by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and AMVETS Acting Legislative Director Christina Roof sent a letter of support to the Congresswoman, expressing the importance of the bill.

At the 2010 AMVETS National Convention in Louisville, Ky., AMVETS members voted on a resolution to fight increases in military health care premiums. The resolution is included in the 2011 AMVETS Legislative Priorities book and has guided AMVETS' legislative department in its decision-making on proposed TRICARE increases.

AMVETS is one of the few veterans' organizations to put its foot down on the issue of TRICARE increases, calling health care an earned entitlement for military service.

AMVETS leaders call the proposal particularly unconscionable during a time of war, and encourage AMVETS members around the country to reach out to their representatives in Congress, voicing their opposition to the proposed increases.

To find your representative and to voice your opinion on TRICARE increases, Click Here.

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