During a meeting with leaders from the nation's top veterans' service organizations, including AMVETS, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the White House had scrapped the idea of billing veterans' third-party insurance companies for service-connected health care.
Earlier in the afternoon, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once again hosted veterans' leaders to discuss the Administration's controversial proposal.
"The meeting didn't last all of 15 minutes," said AMVETS Executive Director Jim King. "We walked in unified against the policy, we said our piece, and it was clear that [Emanuel] understood."
AMVETS was happy to hear that the White House reconsidered its proposal, and King said that he's prepared to move forward with the Administration on veterans' issues.
Immediately following Monday's meeting with President Obama, AMVETS started work on a proposal that would allow the VA to collect necessary third-party funding without placing a new burden on service-connected veterans. AMVETS stands ready to present this option to the White House in the coming weeks.
(Photo: On a Saturday in January, President Barack Obama and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel met with the National Economic Council and the Office of Management and Budget to discuss the FY2010 federal budget. White House photo by Pete Souza, released.)
PS - King also mentioned that during the meeting someone chimed in with: "When John Stewart and Rush Limbaugh agree on something, it's probably a good indication of how the country feels." To view Rush Limbaugh's comments, Click Here. John Stewart's feelings on the issue can be viewed here:
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