Several months ago, with the help of Michael Joseph Little, who was serving in Iraq, AMVETS commissioned its official Facebook group. As Facebook evolves, AMVETS has decided to add another feature to its presence on social media.
AMVETS National Headquarters officially launched its Facebook page today. To view the official page and to become a "Fan" of AMVETS National Headquarters, Click Here.
The new page will allow AMVETS National Headquarters to publish updates in real time that will be posted instantly to fans' status update pages. It will also allow for easier feedback from fans who wish to post and discuss veterans' issues.
In the coming days, AMVETS will be updating the Facebook page with photos from the 2009 AMVETS Silver Helmet awards, the AMVETS 65th National Convention, and American Veteran magazine.
AMVETS National Headquarters Facebook page also allows fans to copy code to their own Web sites and blogs to track AMVETS' status updates, photos, and fans. An example of the Facebook Fan Box feature is included below.
(Image: Screengrab of the new AMVETS National Headquarters Facebook page.)
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