The thoughts and prayers of AMVETS leadership remain with the family of Speicher, as they finally have closure on the whereabouts of their loved one.
Through the hard work of Department of Defense forensics teams and troops serving on the ground in Iraq, Speicher has finally returned home.
During the recent AMVETS National Convention in New Orleans, AMVETS members from across the country voted on a resolution continuing to call on the Departments of State and Defens to continue to do everything in their power to ensure that all POW/MIA service members have the same opportunity to return home.
Though Bergdahl's name has dropped out of the headlines, we must continue to demand that our leaders remain focused on finding him and returning him to his unit and his family.
Pfc. Bergdahl and his family will remain in our thoughts and prayers.
(Photo: Top: Members of a Navy Honor Guard carry the remains of Speicher to All Saints Chapel in Jacksonville, Fla. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Leah Stiles, released. Bottom: Official U.S. Army photo of Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, courtesy of Ft. Richardon Public Affairs.)
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