Purser discussed new ways in which the Army is looking to meet the needs of soldiers in transition after combat deployments, such as partnering with civilian employers to ensure that Reserve soldiers can utilize their military job skills in viable civilian careers once they return home.
Purser also took a moment to discuss military readiness and daunting statistics on why so few Americans are unfit for military duty in the 21st century, ranging from obesity to mental health.
AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary partner Paws With A Cause also spoke on the convention floor, thanking AMVETS for its support to recent work on Capitol Hill, helping to secure benefits for disabled veterans who use service animals.

To read more about Stone and the recent work of AMVETS on the service dog issue, check out the summer issue of American Veteran magazine by Clicking Here.
AMVETS also gathered to vote on the organization's resolutions, many of which will help to guide AMVETS' legislative work on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., such as the VA claims backlog, concurrent receipt issues, and flag protection. Based on this year's symposium and legislative resolutions, AMVETS will compile a comprehensive legislative agenda for 2011 to be published in time for Veterans Day.

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